I told Ava today that if the doctor diagnoses Tuck as having Manic
Depression, I will not be surprised. She called yesterday at dinner
time & could tell that it was an awful time. Why? Simple. It was dinner
time of course! For the past two weeks, this is a typical dinner time routine at Chez Lola.

Lola cooks a lovely meal for her family. She takes the time to make sure that it isn't only good, but healthy. Tamale Pie was on the menu tonight. The picture doesn't do this dish justice. Hell, the scoop onto the plate doesn't do anything for this dish. But it's satisfying & yummy. Click the picture & book details are on Flickr.

In Tuck's defense, he's already flipping out before he's put in the highchair. Full on pissy & it's outta no where. Hence the Manic reference. No milk. No water. Nothing makes him happy. Even getting him out of the chair, gets him more angry. But once you put the bowl down, it's on. The screams are louder. The tears fall faster. Thankfully, he only pushes the bowl away. I guess throwing is only reserved for when he's actually taken a couple bites & deems himself stuffed.

And then, blammo! He stops crying. Dips a finger into the dinner. Eats a smidge of food & says, "Yumm." He's laughing. Smiling. Shoves more food into his mouth with louder "Yums." Back to normal.
During all of this, we have Gus to deal with. Everything is "Yucky" before he takes a bite. Once a bite has been taken, it is always followed with "This is good, Mom." But it's getting a bite into his little mouth. Most nights, he'll sneak two bites, declares himself finished, & ask for a cookie. Last week, we had a ten minute stand-off. Didn't even take one bite of dinner. I wasn't budging. He finally brought his plate over to the sink & said, "I don't even want the cookie." He's been a dinner skipper since he was Tuck's age, so I'm not worry or even challenge him much. But hearing, "Yuck" without a bite can still sting.

And this is where my day ends. They're digging in a dirt pile. We were only outside for a couple minutes before Tuck was attacked by bugs. They adore his little face. Gus is looking for pinecones. And I'm working on my next baby gift.
Design F from Sidar 337 Little Speckled Chicks book. I love the stitch pattern, but hate the yarn. More on that nugget later. I've got to clean some Tamale off my face.