Tap . . . tap . . . tap
Testing: 1 . . . 2 . . . 3
Hmmm, so it's been a while? Does that cover it? No? Tough. Sometimes when life throws lemons at you, you kind of have to run and hide. Fuck the lemonade . . . it's too cold for that shit right now. Work has been a bit of a bitch plus the "other responsibilities of which I cannot talk." Kind of puts me in a really, really foul mood with little time for knitting.
And when I do knit, I seem to screw it up royally. I cast on for a gauge swatch of the Icelandic Star sweater and messed it up. New knit needed for the Olympics. Enter the Johnny Rotten mittens. You could have slapped me in the face with their cuteness, and they were totally up my alley . . . except they'll fit a child instead of me since keeping gauge when doing Fair Isle with three colors is a bitch and a half. I don't have huge hands (truly, I don't), but I asked a friend at the shop to try them on knowing full well that she has tiny, tiny hands. Her response? "What child are these for again?" Umm . . . I"m guessing the Other Sister's daughter, who was born in England so they will be perfect.
Mom sent us a photo of her wearing the February Lady Boiled Wool Sweater, saying that she tells everybody, "Can you believe that my daughter knit this?" I felt like telling her that she really should be saying, "Can you believe that my daughter f-ed this up?" I don't think that I have officially lost my knitting mojo, but it is waning fast. Part of the reason is the baby blanket that I am knitting for a friend. I am in the home stretch, and it's taking forever (kind of like being pregnant) . . . but there's so many other pretty knits that are catching my eye.
We've had three days off from school due to a "snow hurricane" . . . two words that should never be used in the same breath. So far, it's been alright . . . so far. The Flyer, however, is snowed out. He's been in Greenville, NC since Monday and is due back either Friday or Saturday. Continental has been calling every hour or so to let me know that his flight is delayed, rescheduled or just plain canceled. So: cranky wife + lots of snow + tons of quiet = alcohol. Possibly not the most mature way to go, but what the hell?
I promise I'll be a better blogger; I promise I'll be a better knitter; I promise I'll be a better fill-in-the-blank.
Ava, who really needs an Ohio trip to recharge her batteries
Posted by: オテモヤン | March 29, 2010 at 01:15 AM