I told y'all I won't be a better blogger in 2010. I knew it. And, again, I've got a FO! But it's really difficult to take pictures of mittens by yourself. And by the time SK gets home, it's dark. Stupid light.
We had a birthday this weekend. Tuck turned two. Good lord, two!? People have been saying all week, "I can't believe he's two already." Honestly, it feels like he's been two forever. Not because he's been terrible. He just seems older. Not because he's mature, but he just seems sturdy. Solid. Verbal. I'm sure none of these words convey what I'm trying to say about my baby, but I get it. He's silly. And he knows it. He knows what to say & when to say it for a laugh. He uses funny voices. Tossing you a look. And throws the same one after you've laughed at him. Goodness I love him.
hey, big boy. happy birthday.
Posted by: mamie | January 22, 2010 at 01:16 AM