I added a new category today called "Knitting ADD" because I have a bad, bad case of it. Kind of like having the yips but worse when it comes just in time for Christmas knitting. I can't seem to focus on anything knitwise, full stop. I started October Frost, love the pattern, love the yarn . . . and move on to something else. I start knitting on the Great American Afghan again . . . and move on to something else. I buy the yarn and hardware for four Brea bags . . . and move on to something else. Granted, the yarn is being used for hats and the hardware will go towards a bag that I owe someone whom I love more than anything, but still . . . this ADD thing is bad.
Since the trip to Philadelphia to see the girls, I've finished a few projects, but all of them were so fucking small that they hardly count (except the one thing that I don't have a photo of . . . grrr). My LYS celebrated its five year anniversary, and Joanne threw one hell of a party (with the assistance of Tricia and Maryann - thank you, ladies!). The mystery bag, now known as Patience (which I required lots of with all the garter stitch), was done the day before the party, felted, and blocked. The only thing to be done was to sew on a button. I couldn't get the needle through the hole in the button so I used my teeth to pull it the last little bit . . . and promptly chipped a tooth! What the hell?! Most knitting injuries involve punctures by sitting on a knitting needle; mine involve cracking the enamel on my tooth. And . . . Patience is the one project that I don't have a photo of. I guess it's still a virtue that I need to work on.
Most of my time these days has been spent trying to find knitting projects for my team members who are expecting babies (which would be for three of the six folks with whom I teach - stop procreating, people!). I started EZ's Baby Surprise, ripped it once, started again, and then threw in the towel for good. Sometimes walking away from EZ is the only answer that makes sense in the end. I cast on for Joelle Hooverson's Child's Placket Pullover (genius! easy! customizable! Thanks, Joelle!) in Eagles colors because the dad, who is my social studies' teacher) is a huge Eagles fan. Whenever I ask if he and his wife want any specific colors, his response is, "Eagles' green." Fine . . . Eagles' green it is. Hopefully it will fit in the fall when the season begins again. My reading teacher is expecting her first baby in April but won't find out the sex. She and her husband are getting a baby Rambling Rows in various colors . . . and I hope that she likes it. Our science teacher isn't due until June, so I have some time to figure out what to do for her. Suggestions?
So, that Brea bag issue? I made one (for me . . . not giving that away), but the other three aren't going to get done any time soon. I cast on for a hat last night and will be lucky to get them done in time for Christmas. Part of me is thinking of crafting a clever card with a hat on it, indicating that they will get the hats after the holiday break . . . part of me realizes that sleep really isn't all that it is cracked up to be. Part of me thinks I ought to call Mom. See, when the Brother was on meds for his ADD, he took Ritalin but the side effects were awful. Mom decided to take one just to see what all the fuss was about. "Ava!" she screamed into the phone one bright fall day, "I just cleaned the house in three hours. I took one of ______'s pills, and it really helped my focus." Or, and let's be frank here, it was medical speed. Looks like Mother's Little Helper has a name after all.
Off to knit some hats . . . these things aren't going to knit themselves,
PS - I also knit a lovely pea green thong for a friend who was having surgery, taking extra care to choose a silk bamboo blend so as to not chafe the naught bits. Nothing says, "Get Well Soon!" like a hand knit thong. And damn, I don't have pictures of that either.
Have you knit the babies and bear sweater from cottage creations? Seriously cute and interesting to knit but not going to make you any more crazy than you already are.
Posted by: tricia | December 13, 2009 at 09:00 PM
I had issues with the BSJ until I 'got' it. (Sometimes I have to figure something out before I throw in the towel.)(I am not above throwing in towels!) With the BSJ though, once I got it, it really goes. I knit 3 of them for the grandbebe girls for Christmas.
Posted by: Becky | December 14, 2009 at 04:38 PM
Love the "Eagles" sweater! Very cute :) Love the Bria Bag as well - I still just might have to make one of those - just ONE though! I agree with Knitting ADD -- I've got it too! Big or small no completed project shall go UNCOUNTED! They all COUNT!!!!
Posted by: Cherise | December 23, 2009 at 03:20 PM