Flickr Rant 1#
I used to love when Ava would call up & say, "Have you been following the drama on" Good ole blog drama is like car crash. We're so small that we don't get those mean/snarky Anonymous comments. So I can't say how I'd react, but the blog drama follows the same format each time. Blogger writes something. Anonymous reader spits something back that's usually pretty mean. Readers slam Anonymous in the Comment section. Blogger replies to Anonymous. And it usually ends there. I can understand why the Blogger would be upset. No one likes to be disliked. Especially by a stranger. Sure you read a blog, but do you really know them & does it give you the right to say horrible things? Maybe. Maybe not. But I think the big issue is with the niceness of the Craft Blog-asphere.
Everyone is so darn nice & perfect. We've had these rants before on TBS, so I won't elaborate. 99.5% of comments are praising the blogger. Reassuring them of their color choice. Complimenting the finished sweater. I don't think that nice comments are a bad things. You're part of a community & have shared ideals. It's a place to be with others that share your addiction! Of course the comments should be nice! With all this praise & sweetness, I can certainly understand when a snarky comment finally sneaks in & smacks you off of your comfortable couch. But that's life. A couple weeks ago, a woman cut in front of me at a fabric store. She saw that my kids were reaching their point. She even had a teenager with her, so she should have had some understanding. Today, I was trying to order coffee & the people kept talking about their evening. They finally said with tone, "Do you want something?" These past couple weeks have shown me that people don't care or respect other people as much as I think we should as humans.
Flick seems to follow Real Life more than the Craft Blog Life. I discovered that if you meander into the more techy groups (Nikon D90 users, 50mm, even Nikon Learning Group), people can be rather cunty*. It's also funny because I've noticed that it's more men than women. I've never been on the receiving end, but I think it's because I know my place. I'm not about to get into a discussion on ISO & shutter speed for a noon shoot. People are down right mean. Taking the time to answer questions with these types of statements: "Slapping my head again" or "Weren't the answers you got on this post (link) enough?" or "If you'd learn the basics, you wouldn't have to ask stupid questions," & people actually praising other members that ripped into the Asker. I was particularly upset by one exchange because it was in a learning group. I'm not saying that people have to be nice all the time. The world is full of assholes & the Internet is no different. I guess they hide better in the Craft Blog World.
So I've learned to not read a lot of discussions in the techy groups. I've learned that I don't care about the true differences between Bokeh & DOF. I've learned that if you ask the best lens for XYZ, you'll get a variety of answers. Some are helpful & others that are just from smart asses. I'm sure that there's a good reason for this cuntiness* & maybe tomorrow's post will scratch its surface.
*sorry if you hate the word Cunt or Cunty or any other form of the word. I used to hate it & would still fly into rage if I was called it in anger. A couple years ago, I heard Alexis Stewart use it to describe a woman. And I've jumped out of the "I Hate the Word Cunt" camp. Sorry. I won't use it a lot. Promise.