Ava is right, I lost my knitting mojo. Or maybe my ability to blog about it. I actually have a number of FOs to share, but they're the only things I haven't taken a photo of. How is that possible? I've falling in love with my camera. I tote her everywhere. I get giddy while editing pictures. But knit photographs?! That's absurd, Lola! I'm still plugging along on Feather-Weight cardigan. I'm on the first sleeve & my goal is to have it completed before my trip to NYC. Yep, my job is sending me somewhere fun for once. Not that I'm bashing Plainfield, IN or anything. . .
I finally got around to buying a food mill. Why did I wait so long? I hate buying jarred applesauce because it is so easy to make. A food mill makes it even easier. I think that if I trusted Gus with a knife, he could make enough applesauce to feed our family all winter. With applesauce under my belt, I gave tomato sauce a whirl. I used the Fast Tomato Sauce recipe from "How to Cook Everything Vegetarian". Not thrilled with the recipe, but more than happy with the ease of it! I need to track down a good sauce recipe. Any recipes, please share!
It's Halloween time in our house. This year, SK has a partner. Gus begged him to let him help decorate. Skipped his nap because he was afraid that Daddy would start without him. Here are some phrases that I'm hearing from the kitchen:
"Mommy should take a picture of this scary guy."
"A dead rat & a spider!!"
"Mommy shouldn't come out here. It's too scary for her."
"This guy is a bad guy because he has body parts in a bucket"
Maybe Leather Face should go away until the boys are older. I keep asking Gus what he wants to be this year & I get a different answer each day. I counted on this so we're not making a costume until the last second. I'm sure this is why our mother hates Halloween. But Tuck is a different story. He's still at the age where I can control most of his actions. This year is the first year that I'm making a costume. I have no good reason why I haven't in the past, but this year will be different. Here's a hint.
Can't decide if I am taking the big camera to Citifield tomorrow or not . . . but I think I am. Clearly am taking something simple (since I messed up one cable majorly and might have to drop down about 16 rows).
Posted by: Ava | September 20, 2009 at 08:11 PM
My LJ is about the same age as Tuck and everytime I ask him what he want's to be for Halloween he says "Logan James Decker!!!!!" very emphatically I may add - so it looks as though we too will be waiting until the last minute to decide on a "costume" - Good Luck!!
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=759448802 | September 24, 2009 at 11:03 AM