I really wanted to check in sooner, but I haven't found the time. Today, I'm back on the road, but I've got a few seconds to plunk something out. My lens is going to the shop AGAIN! Last July, my AF stopped working. I took it to a store that has since gone out of business. Instead of having me send it back to Nikon, they gave me a new camera. Brilliant. Now that camera quit on me too. I heard the gears squeaking on Saturday morning. By Sunday, nothing would focus. I'm beyond pissed. I'm hoping that Nikon will get it back quickly. For now, here are some photos that Gus took.
He loves running around the house with our Point n' Click. He'll setup shots, make you say "Cheese", or just take your photo. At the zoo, he ran to the stroller with a passion I've never seen. "Where's my camera!? Where!? There's a fox!" He missed the shot, but maybe he learned a lesson.
He loves running around the house with our Point n' Click. He'll setup shots, make you say "Cheese", or just take your photo. At the zoo, he ran to the stroller with a passion I've never seen. "Where's my camera!? Where!? There's a fox!" He missed the shot, but maybe he learned a lesson.
I'm working on Vivian with that same "Where's My Camera" passion. I finished the body last night & I'll start the sleeves tonight in a the hotel. I also picked up some Noro from a recent Webs sale & added another square to the Noro Rambling Rows. I never get tired of Noro. It's like the quick burst of sun during a rainstorm.
I've also been reading more than usual. I finished "Nurture the Nature" from our sidebar. I can't recommend a better parenting book. I feel silly even calling it a parenting book. It was fascinating to see the data mixed with a granola crunchiness. I'm sure that the author wasn't going for a Semi-Hippie tone, but that's how I read it. It's broken down into age groups & then filled with MRI, genes, statistics, etc. If you're a regular blog universe reader, most of the content will be common sense (Doesn't it seem like most Mom Blogs are crunchier?). Limit tv, eat right, read, talk & cuddle with you kids. Common sense stuff, but nice to see that it really does have a positive effect on your child's brain. Just pick it up & get to your particular age group. There's no talk of discipline, but there's lots of discussions on gender differences. I can see where this may bother some people. But I tend to think that there is a difference between boys & girls, so it didn't upset me. I actually ran to the store & bought his book "Wonder of Boys". Before I dig into that one, I started "Outliers". Again, fascinating stuff!
There. A quick post. Ava is getting into town very soon.
Bring your camera, sister!
Don't forget the yarn.
Oh yeah and the books.
And did the girls have The Bird & The Bee cd?
Can you please bring yourself sooner?
That's it.
I've also been reading more than usual. I finished "Nurture the Nature" from our sidebar. I can't recommend a better parenting book. I feel silly even calling it a parenting book. It was fascinating to see the data mixed with a granola crunchiness. I'm sure that the author wasn't going for a Semi-Hippie tone, but that's how I read it. It's broken down into age groups & then filled with MRI, genes, statistics, etc. If you're a regular blog universe reader, most of the content will be common sense (Doesn't it seem like most Mom Blogs are crunchier?). Limit tv, eat right, read, talk & cuddle with you kids. Common sense stuff, but nice to see that it really does have a positive effect on your child's brain. Just pick it up & get to your particular age group. There's no talk of discipline, but there's lots of discussions on gender differences. I can see where this may bother some people. But I tend to think that there is a difference between boys & girls, so it didn't upset me. I actually ran to the store & bought his book "Wonder of Boys". Before I dig into that one, I started "Outliers". Again, fascinating stuff!
There. A quick post. Ava is getting into town very soon.
Bring your camera, sister!
Don't forget the yarn.
Oh yeah and the books.
And did the girls have The Bird & The Bee cd?
Can you please bring yourself sooner?
That's it.