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March 18, 2009



Maybe that's why I always want to use my crockpot but I rarely do. I've heard of some good chili recipes but haven't tried them yet.

Pulled pork might be too roast like but it's pork, bbq sauce and a can of soda (Coke, root beer).



This woman cooked a meal in her crockpot everyday for a year. She passes on the recipes and rates and reviews the results. Some good stuff in there that isn't roast.


we just did ribs in the pot. brown the ribs in your broiler for 30 min or so, then put in the pot with your choice of sauce for about 4-5 hours on high, 8 or so on low. i wish i had thrown some onion in too, but i really, really like onions.

i also have a recipe for wings in the crock pot. i'll have to find that recipe and pass it on.


Take a couple of boneless skinless chicken breasts, and pour a jar of salsa over them in them in the slow cooker. Cook it on high for 3-4 hours. This makes a really good chicken soft taco/burrito filling.


Oh, I forgot to mention that you shred the chicken in the salsa once it's done cooking.

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