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March 05, 2009



Trying to finish up one of these lovable monsters now. Not a baby size, but a grown-up step-daughter size. It is eating me. I am knitting until the allocated yarn runs out. I might die first. But I do love the ladies and their blanket, even if it garter me to death.


Another beautiful blanket! You make me jealous to have finished another one. I keep thinking about doing one but am a bit scared off by the endless garter stitch as well.


Torture by garter stitch, wow! It is certainly a lovely blanket, though.

Back before the mornings were filled with skanky shows like Montel Wiliams, my mom would watch game shows every day while she did her housecleaning. She could solve the WoF puzzles with only a few letters. I loved the rotating prize rooms!! Especially when someone had to buy an ugly cheap lamp just to use up the rest of the $$.


Man, that's a good looking blanket. Nice for you to insist that you'll resist knitting another one of these, while drawing the rest of us in!!!

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