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January 29, 2009



Would it fit Katie?

kelly jo

Wow, that yarn does felt beautifully, unfortunately. So sorry about the sweater. Too bad the girls don't like it, it looks like it fits. Cutting it into a bag would at least make it functional, but actually doing that sounds very hard...


that just sucks.
on the positive it does look nice felted. i hope you find someone who will wear it as is.

who in the world said you couldn't felt in a front loader?? i felted some cascade 220 in a short amount time (intentionally).

also, are you saying the sweater wasn't felted after you ran the hand wash cycle, just after you spun it out?
we have a wool setting on our front loader and i've done my socks and bea's blanket and so far so good, but i'm nervous to try much else.


Oh dear. My heart bleeds for you.


oh dear god, the pain. it is beautiful felted but that makes no difference. make it again, it is the best sweater ever. and yeah, front loaders do work fine for felting, but i guess you discovered it in a very bad way. :(

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