I was looking for a quick little "instant gratification" knit and thought that Fern Glade was the answer. I was wrong. Not that the project isn't great and lovely and perfect for me . . . it just isn't fast. The pattern isn't very "intuitive" (Tricia's words, not mine . . . but she's right as always) and I can't memorize this pattern for the life of me. The last row of the repeat screws me up every single time. I had such high hopes of a spiffy new beret just in time for the deep freeze that we heading into, but alas, I have a half done beret and a whole ball of yarn yet to go . . . at least it's Manos Silkie Blend. UGH!
Lola, thankfully, finally found her Wii, or rather, our mom found her one. She hasn't played it yet since she's been trapped in Michigan for work the past few days and just spent close to eight hours driving home (should have been about four) in horrible weather with a banged up and broken windshield wiper. The last call, at least, found her laughing. Apparently just when she was turning onto her street, an old truck spun out and she thought she was going to get hit, but it spun back and blocked her access to the street. Gus's response? "Mom, you missed the street." Priceless.
PS - I should have titled this post "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina" but since I am crushing on Mute Math big time, I went with "Spotlight." Why didn't anyone recommend this group to me before?
Been listening to this soundtrack pretty much non-stop since I got it for Christmas. I like almost all the songs--I skip over Never Think--bit too country for me (I cannot figure out what he is saying!!)
Posted by: cath | January 14, 2009 at 07:18 PM
thanks for the Fern Glade,, I have to have one. The wii is so much fun. Next I have to get wii fit.
Posted by: cici | January 15, 2009 at 12:08 AM
oh, we dont give a damn for the whole state of michigan, the whole state of michigan, the whole state of michigan....
Posted by: regina | January 15, 2009 at 12:36 AM