*I can't stop singing this song*
Dear B & V-
Soon you'll be on your way to college. I feel like over the past couple of years, your Mom & I have shared our own college horror stories hoping that you'll learn from our mistakes. Guess what? I still haven't learned. Sure, the players have changed, but the game is still the same. Examples? Of course, my sweet little nieces.
In college, the Screw-up usually began as a rebound. Some cute boy flirts & your Gut is screaming "No. He's got the Crazy Eyes!" But your head says, "He's funny & he's going to be a doctor. Why not?" Half way through dinner you realize that you're nodding & smiling a lot, but you really don't care what's coming out of his mouth. He's asks for Date #2, & your Gut is really yelling "No!" But your fucked up head says, "You don't believe in love at first sight. And that box of instant mashed potatoes that you've been eating as a meal is almost empty." This time, you're surprised he doesn't notice you nodding off during appetizers. Now you're pissed that you didn't listen to your Gut. A week later, your neighbors are angry because some crazy pre-med guy is screaming at your window "But I've got Chili's gift certificates! Please!" Girls, always listen to your gut.
Almost 10 years later, new players. Same game. Sure the new players won't stalk you or give you a VD, but they still suck your time & confidence. This rebound was because of a bad Trellis experience. My gauge was really off & I wouldn't start it again. Since we had no power, I thought knitting a Seamless Hybrid would be perfect. Gut starts questioning my choice. "Is that what you really want? Not sure about the yarn, Dum-Dum." But I shot back, "Yes. I want simple. And yes. Wool Ease hasn't let me down." So I start knitting. Once I got past the garter, I paused. Hmm. The yarn is quite plastic-y, but maybe that will change. Right! I kept going until it was time to join & begin the Hybrid magic. I ripped & ripped more times that I care to report. I usually enjoy EZ's pithy style, but this time she was really pithy. Like Not-Giving-the-Percentage-for-Certain-Parts Pithy. My Gut says, "Chuck it, please! The pattern is crappy & the yarn is even worse." But I told my Gut "Hell No! I'm no Quitter." When I finally figured out what to do, I was moving fast. I bound off but was pretty sure that it wasn't going to fit Tuck for the holidays. I tried it on & it fits him now. Great. I realized my mistake with the size but was still completely unhappy with the final product. I hate the neck/yoke. I should have done the Yoke Shirt version, but I'm not sure if it would've changed my opinion. I don't like the decreases on the sides & the holes in the middle of the neck. Wool Ease is ok for blankets, garter stitch, & I didn't mind the result of the "heathered" yarns. But this color was icky. What's a girl to do? Rebound from the rebound of course!
I've been wanting to knit something top-down for a long time now. Like my idea with the Hybrid, a kid knit would be the perfect test. It wasn't long into my doomed relationship with Hybrid that I saw the Runaround Raglan pop up in my bloglines. We love Sarah & her patterns, so I jumped. And I'm falling hard! I had some Summit Hill Superwash in my stash & began that night. I love this Superwash. It almost reminds me of cotton rope which I'm assuming will stand up against the crawling of a active baby. My master plan is to finish the pullover version for Tuck & then knit the cardigan version in the same color for Gus. In an email, Sarah said the cardigan had a Mr. Rodgers appeal. I was thinking the exact same thing, but will stick with the buttons instead of a Fred-like zipper. Currently, I'm on the body part. I enjoy seeing the neck in my lap for the first time with a sweater knit in the round. It almost feels like I'm fighting the man. So opposite and crazy from my normal knits (Girls, when you get out of college, your version of 'crazy' will change). We have a couple babies popping up this year, so I'm dreaming of a rainbow of Runarounds.
B & V, this revelation of mine won't stop my cautionary tales. Some things you should learn from my mistakes. If a boy asks you to look at Christmas lights & it's June, tell him no. If the professor has more than 5 books on their required reading list, don't buy them all the first day. No matter how good you think the communal bathroom floor feels, please pass out in your bed & not on the floor. And if a keg ever says "Icehouse" or "Bud Ice", don't drink it! You've been warned.
Your Lovingly & sometimes Wise Aunt,
That is a supercute sweater - thanks for the link!
Posted by: Cara | October 11, 2008 at 03:56 PM
i love the runaround! sometimes bad knits happen for a reason, i suppose.
your advice. excellent! esp. the one about the kegs (and the bathroom floor). i second that one for sure.
i'd love to see the whole list of cautionary tales.
Posted by: Gonzomama | October 11, 2008 at 06:15 PM
Aww, the boys will look so cute in coordinating Runarounds! Your words of wisdom are awesome -- it's funny because it's true. Listen to your aunt, girls, she is a wise woman!
Posted by: Sarah | October 11, 2008 at 08:55 PM
The phrase "give you a VD" makes me laugh.
Posted by: Carrie | October 12, 2008 at 08:57 PM