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October 22, 2008


kelly jo

What a wonderful perspective - I'm right there with you! I find myself being negative because everything and everyone else is! I think we need a Nnational No-TV day! Let's all get back to knitting and sewing and playing with our kids!


Great pictures and post!


i'd like to think that keeping the hot simon guy in mind might help settle the mind a bit. it is a crazy time; embrace the pumpkins, the babies and the time we have now. and go used amazon. so much better that someone has already had something from it.

Susan B

Oh you're certainly not alone! Last February/March I remember being in the car, listening to NPR and saying to my husband "my GOD, whatever you do, don't lose your job because things are becoming seriously horrid out there!" and then June 16th he's let go from his job via a TEXT MESSAGE. (I hate lawyers!) Fast-forwarding past the 2 months of unemployment that followed (that's why we saved in the first place, right? Not for replacement windows or insulation or a fancy winter jacket for our kid, but to pay the electricity bill when it came due!) and now he's a teacher's aide and LOVING life for the first time ever in his working career, taking graduate classes towards his Master's in Special Education.

It's always quite the ride, isn't it? I'd start to freak about the house, the luxury items, etc. and then I'd catch sight of my son and get very quiet and still and realize that there is one thing that nobody will ever be able to take away from me. No bank will foreclose on him, he'll never be repossessed - he'll never be shut off by a utility company. So I'd reach out and grab him and give him a ton of kisses - and then suddenly things seemed pretty much okay again.

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