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September 16, 2008



No power is no good.

I love the iTunes genius feature so far, although it's been stumped by some of my 90's Boston indie rock bands.


Columbus weather... crazy! I was visiting my MIL this weekend and was there for the crazy wind storm. She's in Clintonville and I think the whole place was without power ... as far as I know she's still without the juice too. Hope Lola is hanging in there!


oh, that really, really sucks. i hope her power comes back on soon. actually, i hope it's back on already. at least she isn't stuck in the house with a bunch of stinky boys though.

thanks for the movie review. maybe we'll get to it before its on dvd.

Susan B

It's a Republican plot! They're yanking power from various Democratic areas in the hopes of causing widespread voter-dissatisfaction (watch - they'll start blaming Obama for the power outages soon!) in an attempt to wear down the Democrats in the state and tip the November vote in the Republican favor. Just you watch - come November 5th you won't see a single power outage again!


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