Two posts in one morning?! What the hell? But what a pleasant way to begin the weekend: visit a great new yarn store and become informed. This morning, I came across this post & wanted to incorporate into today's post. It's something that I've been spending a decent amount of time thinking about lately. There are a number of reason, but I'll save that for another post (maybe). Flyer already has asked Ava, "Has your sister gone really crunchy?" I got a feeling he might throw another scoop of sunflower seeds into my granola. Until then, just take some time visit a couple of sites & be mindful during your day.
That's exactly how I plan to spend my day: mindfully sitting on the couch with my favorite knitting project, finishing a book (anyone that can help me with a "calm approach" to my toddler is worth reading) & imagining my life with my favorite celeb family. Damned 18 hours in the car! My neck hurts, the dishes are dirty, the fridge is empty, & my laundry load has increased 100 times. But who needs clean clothes? Turn those undies inside-out, Momma needs a break! I started Cleite on Monday & haven't stopped. The yarn has plenty to do with my addiction to this project. Did the gods create Malabrigo? Ava & I have been having a discussion: Would Malabrigo make a nice sweater? Would it hold up or pill to shit? Someday I may just have to find out. Spending hours with this yarn is a small price to pay for a "pilly" sweater.
The lace weight doesn't feel like a true lace weight. More like a fingering weight, but I'm beyond OK with this. I'll have to really block this in order to achieve the airy feel of the shawl. I have 2 hanks of this yarn and I'm planning on using every last inch of it. I want a nice big shawl. Something I can wrap up in when I'm cold, sick, or just feeling a little diva-ish.
I'm off to the couch before I brave the grocery. By the way, I popped the pickles last night. Delicious! I'll save the green beans for Mom's house, but the pickles won't make it. Sorry. Here are a couple other recipes that I beg you all to try. The brownies are beyond yummy. Don't be frightened of the black beans. The muffins were so moist & a great way to use up zucchini. I followed a commenter and substituted rolled oats for the oat flour and added a 1/2 cup of flax seed.
p.s. Ang, In the article, you talk about learning to hold the babes while you're breast-feeding. If I can help, email me.
Thanks for joining us!
Posted by: beverly | August 08, 2008 at 11:24 AM
Oh I could totally help Angelina with how to nurse two at a time. I did it for 18 months of my life - the greedy little things refused to drink from a bottle, so it was just me until the learned to use a cup.
As for the Malabrigo sweater, I've been wondering the same thing. I will say that my Icarus shawl that is over a year old now and well loved, has "bloomed" more than it's pilled.
Posted by: Kirsten | August 08, 2008 at 06:18 PM
A Malabrigo sweater pills like a mofo. But I have to say, as adverse as I usually am to pilling, I don't care in the case of the mighty Mal. It's just THAT heavenly to wear! I knitted an Hourglass out of it, and I wov it!
Posted by: Nicole | August 14, 2008 at 08:31 AM