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August 12, 2008



Oh dear! Haven't I mentioned the joy of Dream In Color?! I'm working on a hoodie for Izzy (DD#1) with 7 amazing colors of the worsted. Sublime.

I knew about their sock and worsted, but lace too?! Be still my heart!
Looking forward to hearing all about the wedding. Have fun!


We still haven't worked out how much you two are going to pay me not to blurt out the existence of this little corner of electronic bliss during the reception.

Especially if BL is the designated driver and I'm free to imbibe all I wish.......


I can't wait to see pictures of your pretty colored in tattoo!

And Dream in Color. I went to a yarn shop with my aunt and pick up a skein and just held it and walked around the store with it. I couldn't bring myself to spend all of my yarn budget on 1 skein of it though. But it sure was pretty and soft...and, dare I say it...Smooshy? teeheehee...


I can't say enough good things about Smooshy, and I've liked the Baby I've been using too. It felt a little scratchy at first, but I think that was because my skin was irritated by something else. Looking forward to seeing a finished tatoo photo!

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