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August 03, 2008



Wasn't aware of a pool back in 91, but I would have bet on you guys. Then again, I was new to the family back then. Now, if there's a pool on the 16th.............


Happy anniversary!

I'm touring my mom around NYC this week. Perhaps we'll get out to Brooklyn General. I'm just not sure how she'll do on that long subway ride.

The shaw is a beauty - as is Veronica! Beautiful photos.


Happy Anniversary!

The shawl looks awesome--great job securing a model, too.


Happy Anniversary! Good lord, that shawl is gorgeous!!!


Shawl looks great-- that was a pretty great reward for modelling too!
I've been dying to go to NYC too as my auntie just moved there but I'm afraid that walking all day will do me in-- maybe if I wait until the end of October it'll make me go into labor!
I'm for sure having a little girl(well the ultrsonographer said 95% so almost sure)


Happy Anniversary! Today is 20 for Martin and I.

Lovely to see the shawl as a finished work and not being sworn at while knitting.


so you've got a february lady of your own going on! I'll have to track you down on Ravelry to get a look at it, huh? :)

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