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July 20, 2008


Hygiene Dad

You still have CD's?

God, I remember the Flyer's excitement when the first Batman came out. I'm sure he nearly wet himself with this one. (Not that I've seen it yet-LOL)


No, I haven't seen The Dark Knight yet (thanks for rubbing it in!) since we don't have a regular babysitter. We are teh sad. :( The infinity dress looks awesome, though! That's a great idea for a bridesmaid's dress, since you can use the same fabric for everyone but still look different -- very clever. Good luck with the attic!


Your brother sounds pretty hilarious. You should get him on the blog, too. :) The dress and shawl both look gorgeous, by the way.


This dress is so cute! I'd buy one immediately. And the style is very nice. Be sure to post a picture of the bridesmaid dresses once they're done.

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