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July 08, 2008



Well, at least you've always been a different s-i-l than the rest.


That's a great sock--the color really goes with the tattoo, doesn't it?


Hmm I really like the look of your gusset. Toe up heel, yes? Any particular one? Or just made it up yourself? I can never quite get the heel right - always just that bit too short or too long...


I like that pattern! Very pretty! Is it all over the top of the foot? (I can't tell) Either way super cool! I saw a pair of Hederas that only had one lace panel going down the side and it looked neat! I love that pattern. The color reminds me of an awful disaster that happened in my mom's living room when I was about 12. She decided to paint it. And she painted it that awful 80's mauve. This was in the mid to late 90's so it was definitely out of it's era. It was bad...But the socks are pretty! If you do write up a pattern, I will be interested!


that pattern looks great. not sure if i could attempt socks on 0's though. i have a hard enough time with 1's.

at least your mom didn't suggest a butterfly tattoo on your lower back.

i also see i'm a day late for the contest. duh!


wow busy schedule! the sock looks so good!

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