I was scanning the forums at Ravelry and I realized that I dropped the Alphabet ball again. As I was drifting asleep, I was making a list of "J" words that inspired me. I kept coming back to "Juggling". Lately, I feel like that's all I'm doing and sometimes not very well. I don't feel that I have too many balls, but I'm not good at catching every single one.
A sock to finish. Diapers to wash and stuff.
Dinner to plan and fix.
Twigs to be cleard.
Tears to be wiped.
Pictures to be taken.
Juggling was also on the brain because I had just read this article on CNN.com. Some reason I was insanely irritated. I decided long ago that I wouldn't be a good SAHM. If I stayed home, I really do think that I would grow resentful. It is a decision that I have not yet regretted. We have fabulous daycare that does an outstanding job with both of our boys. I agree that a SAHM's salary should be tallied and that's it a job that I have great respect for. My mother and Ava did a fantastic job, and I doubt I could ever do it that well. The article rubs me wrong when the author states that most of the salary for both working and SAHM's comes from "over-time" pay. Are you kidding me? Overtime?! Did any of those women polled actual think that at 5:30 p.m. the job would stop and begin again at 8:30 a.m.? That you could clean off the spit-up, put the kid down, and enjoy a drink on the porch. When I was pregnant with Gus all I heard was "Legally he's your job until he's 18." No one told me that I might be able to punch the clock at 5:30. Doesn't the fact that we report on Mom's overtime pay help create martyrs? I told SK about the article and he asked, "What's a father's overtime pay? I bet there's no study for that number." I'm afraid that he's right, but hope that there is.
In honor of the article, I'm only going to work a half-hour of overtime today. I'm clocking out so I can see Sex and the City.
Um, that was the hokiest article.
Enjoy your 'early' leave today!
Posted by: gonzomama | June 04, 2008 at 01:27 PM
I still believe that you either become a stay at home mom because you really, really want to or you have to because it doesn't make sense to pay for day care. Me? It was a combination of both. In the early years, it didn't pay for me to work and then pay for day care as well and I wanted to stay with the girls. So, SAHM I was and loved just about every moment of it. Did the Flyer's shirts get starched when I ironed them? Absolutely. Did I love taking them to the dry cleaners the first time after I started back to work? You bet your sweet ass.
Overtime pay for being a mom? Get the hell out of town.
Posted by: Ava | June 04, 2008 at 05:08 PM
I'm not even going to bother reading the article...I don't feel like getting annoyed today!! Btw, are those fuzzi bunz in the first picture?
Posted by: kelly jo | June 04, 2008 at 09:10 PM