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June 22, 2008



Thank you very much! Just wait until next week. I'm going to snap pics of you all day long.

So far it's a lovely birthday. I woke up drenched. Tuck was hungry at 7:30 a.m. Dishes need to be done. And SK just told me that he coughed up a throat booger. Happy 32! But Gus comes home & that makes me really happy. I miss the kid.


Happy Birthday!! Thank god my sister doesn't blog. ;-)


So basically, every time I say, "I'm not sleeping, I'm resting my eyes" or get out of bed in my underwear, that click I hear will be a camera? Come on . . . you could have sent the Infinity dress photos and I posted them instead.


What is Gus eating in the picture?


Happy Birthday! And I would also like to say that when I am 32, I hope to look just as young as you do! You look sooooooooo young! I could see you being a TA for one of my classes, that's how young you look!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, Lola! I'm turning 32 in a few weeks, too. Craziness. Hopefully Travis doesn't weird-picture blog that. :)


Happy Birthday (man, you do look young)!


Happy (belated) Birthday!!! Love the photos!
Once Upon A Tart - mmmmmmmmmmm


A belated happy birfday!

It's so nice to see you, as I rarely see the beautiful faces of L & A around here!


sure hope clubs were trump in that euchre picture. though it looks like that queen on the left is a club too (cant quite tell) which would make the jack the left since they are separated.
hope you had a great day!


sure hope clubs were trump in that euchre picture. though it looks like that queen on the left is a club too (cant quite tell) which would make the jack the left since they are separated.
hope you had a great day!

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