The new Knitty is up. Perhaps you've already motored over there, perhaps not. Personally, not much that interests me other than the lace wrap and the garter, but that could be from some ill-conceived attempt at giving our new sister-in-law something new and blue from the family. The only problem with that would be explaining to the Bro why he had to measure his intended's thigh and why it needs to be accurate (ie - not measured in tongue flicks or whips of licorice).
Speaking of the Bro, he's being a bit of a douche these days. Granted he did just get a job working for an arm of Move and we're as proud as two sisters who have held down jobs since they were 14 can be, but that doesn't give him liberty to get all hoity-toity with us. Expect more fireworks to come.
From the Library of Congress's Flickr account
The other sister has been hunkered down in her basement (literally) with her kids as Tornado Alley has been spending time in Omaha. Last night our mom called to tell us that there were tornadoes in the other sister's general area and then got pissed when we weren't tuning into the local Omaha news on the Internet with her. She's fine, by the way.
Countdown is on for a C-bus trip. Lola and I are headed to the quilt show on Monday, June 29, if anyone is interested. We have no clue what we are doing there, but I know one thing: my back should be nice and tender from a new tattoo so no back slaps, capice.
More on the weekend . . . and much, much more knitting to come. After all, school is out in a mere five days (business days, that is).
PS - I started a new blog to go with the Word Nerd Co-op. Don't expect a lot out of it except for writing.
Guess who found a pattern for her Malabrigo lace weight? And I can knit until it runs out! I like Spring Forward too.
Posted by: lola | June 12, 2008 at 08:14 PM
Oh, I liked the Shetland Shorty, both socks, and the lace shawl. I didn't think it was too bad for a summer edition. A little skimpy compared to the recent ones, but maybe that means the fall one will have tons of stuff.
Posted by: cath | June 13, 2008 at 09:31 AM
I liked the garter too and the socks I'm still debating about...I have a feeling there will be a lot of them in the next Sockapalooza.
And tattoo? I can't wait to see pictures! There will be pictures right?
Posted by: Leigh | June 13, 2008 at 11:04 AM
Any clues about the new tat? I'm seriously dying to know what you decided to go with, since you nixed my Gray's Anatomy-esque idea.
The book that is, not the snarky melodramatic TV show (ahem - the TV show that I've never EVER seen - full disclosure here.)
Thanks for reminding me about the new Knitty - I'd heard but forgotten.
Posted by: susan b | June 16, 2008 at 02:15 PM