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June 12, 2008



Guess who found a pattern for her Malabrigo lace weight? And I can knit until it runs out! I like Spring Forward too.


Oh, I liked the Shetland Shorty, both socks, and the lace shawl. I didn't think it was too bad for a summer edition. A little skimpy compared to the recent ones, but maybe that means the fall one will have tons of stuff.


I liked the garter too and the socks I'm still debating about...I have a feeling there will be a lot of them in the next Sockapalooza.

And tattoo? I can't wait to see pictures! There will be pictures right?

susan b

Any clues about the new tat? I'm seriously dying to know what you decided to go with, since you nixed my Gray's Anatomy-esque idea.

The book that is, not the snarky melodramatic TV show (ahem - the TV show that I've never EVER seen - full disclosure here.)

Thanks for reminding me about the new Knitty - I'd heard but forgotten.

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