Well, slap me silly and call me Sally but we missed "I" here at Two Black Sheep for the ABC Along. If you read the last post, you could have surmised why. Perhaps drinking my body's liquid weight in beer had something to do with it OR it could have been the sea salt and honey roasted peanut butter combo OR I could have simply forgotten, but here is our contribution to the alphabet in the form of my favorite vowel: i. I is for idiosyncrasies .We all have them, whether we care to admit to them or not . . . it just depends on how brave you are in admitting to them. Granted, most of these are about my sister as hers are slightly more peculiar than most, but I'm sure mine will peek their nasty little heads up and say hello. And, fair warning, this isn't a pleasant "Well, aren't those Black Sheep sisters kind of cute and cultivated." It's more like, "Fuck . . . that's weird." You were cautioned.
Lola despises clumps of hair. If you clean out your hair brush around her, she might vomit. Even when she's not pregnant, she seems to do a lot of that. After she had the boys and was going through the whole "hey, you're losing some of that lustrous hair" phase, it wasn't pretty listening to her swoon with each passing clump. In addition, gum, gum wrappers, and chewing gum will make her sick to her stomach. I have never seen her with a stick of gum in her mouth. In fact, if I were to see that happen, I would know that she got the Alzheimer's gene in our family. Vanilla, my favorite scent of all time, makes her sick to her stomach as well. Once the girls sprayed some body mist in her car that was vanilla scented, and she made them throw the bottle out of the car . . . while in motion. Blood makes her pass out. When she needed stitches removed as a child, our mom had that "brilliant" idea to take her to a neighbor who was a nurse to do it. Poor Lola was more than lightheaded and felt the urge to puke. Mom wouldn't let her do so in the neighbor's toilet because it was too clean . . . not sure how that worked itself out. Our sweet Lola hates - hates - toothpaste (Crest, Aim, Colgate . . . with the exception Arm & Hammer since it's baking soda based) and tooth brushing. SK has taken on the task of helping Gus brush his teeth; even hearing it freaks Lola out a bit.
Me? I'm a little more laid back with my quirks. I detest loud noises, to the point that I have avoided all fireworks for the past 20 years. We've taken the girls to a few displays over the years, but my index fingers were firmly jammed in my ears throughout the whole event. Once the girls threw some poppers on the ground and I freaked out to the point of tears . . . on their part. Clowns? Not on your life. Nothing is creepier than a clown. Couple that with the first one and now you'll understand why I never visit circuses. Ever.
I'm sure that I have more (and even more sure that my sister will post a few in the comments), but my brain hurts. Our family is currently embroiled in some drama surrounding the Bro's choice for a wedding date. Reading between the lines: he selected a holiday weekend that is convenient to no one in the family and will surely negate his nieces and nephews as well as brothers-in-law from being there. Fun, fun, fun in our houses. Me? I am just spiteful enough to get a huge shoulder covering tattoo only to generate comments at the wedding which is slated to be outdoors in August. We're talking outrageous tattoos . . . suggestions? I'm open to anything.
PS - Knitting pics later this week . . . I'm done with the body on Bobo and almost finished with my class sock. Although, an August wedding begs for a lacy, green, silk shawl . . . just lacy enough for the tat to show through. And I couldn't get the tags to show up for the photo credits in the mosaic. If you click to our Flickr page, you can sift through our favorites.
Yep. The toothbrush photo made me gag. As does Gus when he kisses me goodnight after he's brushed his teeth. No explanation.
Posted by: Lola | May 18, 2008 at 04:52 PM
I am going to spend the rest of my day making a mental list of my idiosyncrasies. That actually makes for an interesting post I think and the photos are great.
I don't dig on clowns either (maybe because my mom used to collect them when I was little).
Oh and I can chew gum and so can others around me, but if I hear you chomping it you're getting uncomfortable, dirty looks from me until you stop or spit it out.
Posted by: gonzomama | May 19, 2008 at 01:27 PM
I saw on another knitblogger's post a link to some funky (Etsy) cards - I clicked over and there, in full rainbow coloured card selection, was a huge anatomically-labeled line drawing of a spread vagina. How about THAT as a huge shoulder tat?
Complete with labels, of course. My favorite label was the one that went waaaay down to a little black bud of a circle labeled 'anus'. {snorts}
Posted by: susan b | May 19, 2008 at 02:35 PM
I'm sure I was initially going to write something clever, but my mind kind of blanked out after I read susan b's idea of a vagina shoulder tat. I mean, what can one say to follow that? Kudos, susan! :)
Posted by: Jacki | May 19, 2008 at 07:09 PM
Thanks so much for looking. I've already pleaded with my aunt and grandmother and both of them, surprisingly enough, don't have any extra pedals. These people keep everything too so I was extra surprised when they didn't have any...
When it comes to idiosyncrasies...well if someone's eyebrows are messed up, I have to repress the urge to go and fix them and that usually means I obsessively fix my own eyebrows. My friends have spend many hours tormenting me with that one. That's the one that I can think of right now...
Posted by: Leigh | May 19, 2008 at 10:31 PM
Please, please, please tell me Lola still manages to actually brush her teeth! I had a friend tell me about her friend who went to the dentist for the first time in a very long time and discovered that when you run your tongue along the back of your teeth you should actually be able to feel the individual teeth. He hadn't brushed his teeth in so long that the plaque formed a solid layer that they had to slowly chip away. *GAG*
I was going to suggest a vagina tattoo too. Hmm it's really not good that a vagina is considered offensive. =( Not that you said you wanted offensive.
Posted by: Shannon | May 20, 2008 at 03:03 PM