Everyone else is doing it, so why not us? Ah, peer pressure . . . you gotta love it! Besides, we love - LOVE - movies. Our husbands are just as bad, frequently seeing if they have as many Netflix ratings as the other one and sending each other messages about movies they've watched. Lola's are the first five, mine the last five . . . so, have at it.
1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them on your blog for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. Looking them up is cheating, please don’t. And if you do, we’ll call you a big old cheating cheater!
1. Oh for Christ sake! Because... she's got this rare disease and if she
believes something that's not right and you tell her the truth her
brain will boil in her head and she'll die! Ok? About A Boy Betty (yes, you count)
2. It's better to help people than garden gnomes. Amelie Hannah , Leigh and Victoria
3. Bizarre what some men find attractive. Bridget Jones' Diary Allie
4. Operator, you have obviously never been trapped in a Chinese opium den! Thoroughly Modern Millie Emily
5. You have this kind of problem? Yeah - of course you did, you saucy minx. Love, Actually Anne and Hannah
6. It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable.
7. Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed. 10 Things I Hate About You Hannah and Leigh
8. I know what you're thinking... and you ought to be ashamed of yourself. Victor/Victoria La
9. M: You read my mind. R: That takes all of three seconds. The Natural Margaux
10. Just look at the face: it's vacant, with a hint of sadness. Like a drunk who's lost a bet.
Ain't we got style? I'm using it for a persuasive paper introduction about uniforms and couldn't resist.
3. Bridget Jones' Diary
7. 10 Things I Hate About You
Posted by: allie | April 08, 2008 at 09:22 PM
yea!! i love it!! and I SO was gonna use a quote from this movie... #9 The Natural!!
Posted by: margaux | April 08, 2008 at 10:25 PM
#5, one of my favorite movies, Love Actually - said by Hugh Grant to Margaret Thatcher. :)
Posted by: anne | April 08, 2008 at 11:09 PM
delurking to comment on your great movie list!
#1= Goodbye, Lenin
#2= Amelie
could be wrong, but then these quotes *should* have been in those movies.
(and #5 and #7 would also be on my list...)
Posted by: Hannah | April 09, 2008 at 12:01 AM
How could I forget my favorite movie of all? Poor missing Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Posted by: lola | April 09, 2008 at 09:20 AM
2. I think is Amelie, amazing movie!
7. Is 10 Things I Hate About You. Another one of my favorites.
I love these things! They make me happy!
Posted by: Leigh | April 09, 2008 at 10:42 AM
I was thinking Amelie for #2 also....
Love that picture!
Posted by: victoria | April 09, 2008 at 03:16 PM
You forgot yours . . . I forgot Kiss Me, Kate, which I adore and love. Here is a small, little hint. Of Lola's remaining two, a lead actor appears in two of her other movies. Of my remaining three, the lead actress also appears in one of Lola's.
Posted by: Ava | April 09, 2008 at 03:32 PM
1. About A Boy
Sorry if I wasn't supposed to do the contest thingy
Posted by: Betty | April 09, 2008 at 10:54 PM
aha! Finally I've got one.
#8 - Victor/Victoria! Gawd I love that movie!
Posted by: La | April 10, 2008 at 12:56 AM
Liked it so much I decided to follow suit:
SK and Flyer are not eligible, or at least not until you guys have made guesses.
And yes, the Family Sickness is in the 20.
Posted by: MC | April 10, 2008 at 02:51 PM
I was just waiting for someone to get the opium den(#4) one but I guess not. I think its "Thoroughly Modern Millie", right?
That's the only one I thought I knew!
Posted by: Emily | April 12, 2008 at 05:20 PM