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April 28, 2008



Did they call you a dirty hippie, or just a hippie? 'Cause "dirty hippie" is a name that you'd want to avoid. I'm digging the Cascade 220 heathers, too, and I agree that they don't photograph with the same amount of depth that they have in real life.


What is a dirty hippie? My teenage thug is ever so fond of calling me a hippie. Anyway couldn't agree more about cascade Heathers. My current favourite is that lovely pond scum green one.


Baby feet! Oh and I mean joy.

I miss Howard a lot. I listened every day during my NYC years. Is he even better on satellite? He doesn't get into as much public trouble, but maybe those days are just gone.

Hey, I love Cascade Heathers too. I always think it's a softer yarn. I kinda know it's not, but I don't believe it.


I too love the heathers!
Cute baby feet!

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