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March 14, 2008



beautiful post. one of my favorites. we have a similar 'dream house' (& similar methods of attaining), although the locations may be different (i've never been to ohio).


Nice set - I like how the spines spell out the set name. It's interesting that they decided to group them by topic (this is how the children's set we had was). Your examples hit at the core of a cataloguing librarians struggle - the book can only live in one place, but it covers lots of things! Thank goodness for the ability to cross-reference although then you lose some serendipity...

I read sour-sock soup... and had that image from some movie (I think) where they were boiling the clothes or and were eating the broth that was created. Tasty.


My friends and I have recently been making plans to start a coffee shop/book store/yarn store and knit shop in Ireland. We are gonna have a huge farm and raise sheep and knit and read and drink coffee and tea all day! Ahhh...sounds so wonderful!
Now about the sister thing. Good luck. If you tell her now, she will feel left out, if you tell her in four weeks, she will feel left out...Don't know what to tell you...sorry.


thanks for sharing your memories- i lost my favorite aunt this week, she taught me everything an Indiana girl needs to know-how to crochet and she crocheted my first pink dazzle vest and skirt and also how to shoot walnuts out of the tree with a rifle- yes those were the days!! My hubby grew up in Wapakoneta Ohio was your farm close?
About the OS- just tell her-better she finds out now from the proverbial horses mouth than it slipping out during a family event!!!But I don't have sisters only brothers.


What a sweet post. I'm sure your sister will think the blog is really cool (because it is). Let us know how it goes, if you do!


Such a lovely memory and such cool books! I can say it is somewhat stifling when writing a blog that you know your family reads...I've noticed that I'm a little less free sometimes. I have a mother who reads regularly because she wants to get info that I don't share with her, a sister who reads only around holidays and birthdays to see what kind of gifts she might be getting, and another sister who refuses to read because she doesn't want to share me with the hordes on the internet. Very sticky, indeed....


I told one of DH's sisters about my blog and never heard a peep from her about it. It kind of stung because I thought she'd like to see what's going on around here. So...no more telling his family about my blog.

I loved your story about the encyclopedia collection. It brought back the feeling I always got when I went into my parent's basement to look at ours. Nice.

We enjoy Eli Stone, too. It's the show that I accidentally erased, this week!

It was great meeting you, today, by the way.


What a wonderful, wonderful post!!

Susan B

Why tell? It never comes up in typical conversation - at least it never really does in my world - and if anything "bloggish" does come up in a discussion why not just say that you read and comment on other people's instead of admitting to having one yourself?

There are 'nuff cans of worms out there as it is without possibly opening another one, y'know?

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