For some reason, March always seems to roll around and my whole world gets tipped sideways. Do you remember those super-cool ovals that were filled with white and blue sand and you could tip them back and forth to make pretty designs? Not so much fun when it is you that feels being tossed to and fro. Luckily, yarn cures most things that ail me, so this week, salvation came in the mailbox.
Cider Moon in Cherry On Top
I've posted most of my yarn that I have decided would be better off with another knitter on Ravelry. So far, I've had pretty good success either selling it or trading it. After a few sales, I decided to look for something for little old me. Imagine finding a hank of some Cider Moon (sniff, sniff . . . come back) for sale? Imagine me not sending off an immediate message for a price. A day or so later . . . goodness in the mailbox from Michelle. Then, an email asking if I would be willing to trade my Trekking XXL (a yarn I never could get to work for me) for some Socks That Rock (a yarn I always get to work for me). Hello socks . . . come to momma.
Socks That Rock in Crazy Lace Agate
Even so, things in the house have been kind of glum as the Flyer is traveling in earnest, I am slowly coming to the realization that I must part with my children in 18 short months (crying as I type that) as they head to college, and there are issues at work that won't go away. Yarn can only cure so much. However, generosity coupled with yarn can do a girl wonders. On Wednesday, after working for a solid 10 hours, I call home to tell the Flyer I am head out in about ten minutes. "Okay, you got an envelope from England," he says before hanging up. I asked if it felt like a book since Shannon and I did a little trade (Thin Mints for the last HP in paperback). "No, it's yarn . . . I squeezed it a bit."
The Natural Dye Studio Ariel in Sweetness (pink) and the Natural Dye Studio BFL Dazzle DK in Ruby Fire (pink/orange/red/yellow)
"It's yarn" was an understatement. It's fucking awesome and brilliant and mind-blowing and any-other-adjective you can supply yarn. Shannon knows how I feel about silk and pink, yet still she managed to find the most lovely shade of pink every created in this gorgeous silk . . . now I just have to find a pattern worthy of it. The other hank? Just a little British raised and spun blue faced leicester in another sunny and Project Spectrum-worthy colorway. This baby is destined for something amazing; I can feel the Addis calling my name, "Cast on, bitch. Put that sweater for Beaner away and get us moving." I'm doing my best to ignore them - and I'm winning - but for how long is up for grabs.
Before I forget it, the Martha taping went well. I was a bit bummed since it was an "Ask Martha" show and didn't have a big name celebrity. The cooking segment featured Harold Dieterle, the winner from season one of Top Chef, so that was pretty cool, but the other guest was a Benjamin Levy who is magician, memory expert, and a top collector. Great, I thought, I wonder was he collects. Turns out he collects . . . tops; you know - the kind that spin? That might have been the most fascinating segment. Our episode will air on March 10, and I'm in the top row, middle section, two from the right side, wearing a turquoise sweater - wave at me and I might wave back.
Enjoy your weekend . . . unless you're in the middle of a blizzard! Columbus is getting slammed with snow, so Lola is less than thrilled with the white stuff. Hopefully she'll be able to dig out from under it.
PS - A) I missed Jason Castro singing one of my favorite songs and B) the Peeps comes courtesy of the Other Sister . . . who has a very funny sense of humor as far as Peep shows go.
Oh, the peeps! I must say that I laughed inappropriately loudly while at work. Heh.
Posted by: Melissa | March 07, 2008 at 07:19 PM
HAHA the peeps! I love the pasties. You photographed the yarn much better than me. Really I must sit down and learn how to use my camera. Man I do love the look of that silk... so glad it helped with a shitty week. =)
Posted by: Shannon | March 08, 2008 at 04:20 AM
The Peep show is excellent!!
Posted by: Cath | March 08, 2008 at 10:28 AM
that 'peep' show is f-ing brilliant, i laughed so hard. any more yarn up for grabs over at ravelry. makes me reminisce on how we started 'talking', i bought yarn from you on destash and then you let me know about your twins...that was before mine were even here. i know you know, but, my, how time flies.
Posted by: mamie | March 08, 2008 at 12:55 PM
Love the pink yarn. Very lucky girl!
Off to make some tea. It's cold & icky here. We got about 2 feet of snow. Gus & Pup were almost lost in it.
Posted by: lolal | March 08, 2008 at 01:24 PM
i received the peep show via email last week and also thought it was pretty funny. hope things turn fun again soon!
Posted by: Regina | March 08, 2008 at 02:31 PM
Just don't go crazy(ier) right before your daughters go to college like my mom did or they will never want to come home. My mom seriously decided to freak out about every little thing (like grounding me for not having filled out enough scholarships. If 20 a week is not enough, then I want to know what enough is.) This is a scary time for them too and you need to remember that. So please, for their sake, don't go crazy. And remember, yarn is not a substitute, even if you try to name it and make it eat dinner with you.
Posted by: Leigh | March 08, 2008 at 04:52 PM
Wow, I feel dirty just for seeing that Peep photo . . .
The yarn is gorgeous. I have no parenting advice for you, but if you want to borrow any incredibly attention-starved miniature dachshunds, I can probably arrange it.
Posted by: Carrie | March 09, 2008 at 12:18 AM