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February 04, 2008



i love the quilt in the picture! love it. i want to make quilts so badly and that one just calls out to be cuddled up on the couch with. i am hoping to start my first quilt this month. oh, and yeah i would guess you just put it in the machine and go. it's a great look. can't wait to see the end result. good luck!

kelly jo

He is so sweet!! There's nothing better than a good swaddle on a sweet little baby (that's what husbands are for!) I love those beautiful quilts!! I'm attempting my first, and all that's left is the quilting part, and I'm so afraid to dive in and finish it! And I'm with you, no matter what the temperature or situation, I need a blanket on me to fall asleep!


There is nothing sweeter that a happily swaddled baby. Tuck looks so cute wrapped like a burrito!


L, you and I definitely have similar taste in fabric. You've got some of my favorites going on here, and you've put them together so well. I'm all atwitter. I came here, initially, for the blankets, and though I thoroughly enjoy all else, I'm happy they're still around.


PS: Yes, I think so. But you could also stipple quilt it. That's kind of what Aunt June has done, but it's not true stippling because in true stippling the lines don't touch. (Spoken from an academic standpoint. I've never made a quilt in my life, ha.)


Tell the boys (not SK) that I plan on snuggling under those blankets this weekend. Can't wait to see you! The haircut looks nice . . . kind of pussied out though.


I love blankets too! And naps! I also have to be covered in something no matter how hot - if it is desperately hot then a sheet, but more often than not, a blanket still. And my blanket on my bed HAS TO HAVE a great big swath of sateen around the edge or I have a hard time falling asleep as I gentley rub the sateen between my fingers as I drift off to sleep. My family makes fun of me for it.

And re: the quilt, I haven't a clue as to how to make a quilt, but my guess is that indeed you just have at it to get the random stitches.

Enjoy snuggling up in your blankets!


Aw, Tuck's getting so big already!

My new nephew came last week...all the babies are coming now and I love it. Mom and baby are great. My mom emailed Ava for the Serenity pattern, I think Gavin will be getting his very own handknit blanket!





Erin Merryweather

What an absolutely gorgeous blanket/quilt...I want!
Lola, thanks for the comment and the book suggestion. I appreciate it! I'm excited about the whole vegetarian thang.
Nice to meet you and look forward to reading your and Ava's blog.

Erin Merryweather

PS: baby boy is precious!!!

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