So yesterday, I sent Vicki an email asking to join the ABC Along, but I may have forgotten to tell Lola. This happens every once and awhile . . . I figure she has more to occupy her time than trying to find something that represents her beginning with the letter A. Probably we'll both submit an entry for the rest of the letters, but I'm sure that it might be just one of us now and then.
A is for . . . airplanes, Ava, adagio, action figures, April and August - anything really. The Flyer spends half his time on an airplane, I picked that name, the girls translate pretty Italian words for orchestra, my "boy" has tons, my two favorite months . . . you get the picture. But truly, for me it would have to be my Addi Turbos. I know, I know - who doesn't own a pair of these lovely needles. I didn't for the longest time because the price made me blush. I mean, $13 for a pair of needles? What the hell? I could run to Wal-Mart and buy a set of straights for $2.50. The first time I bought a pair was the last time that I questioned the price, and probably the last time I bought any other type of needle until I picked up my interchangeables. Has my knitting time increased so much that I can verify the "turbo" portion of name? Not likely. Do I use my 1s for just about every pair of socks? Ummm . . . I own four 40 inch needles so that would be a yes. Will I give them up in favor of another brand? Not on your life.
I promise that the next installment will be more thoughtful and better photographed. The Addis look pathetic in the photo as half are tied up in other projects and I didn't feel like digging them out. My mind was clearly on my girls tonight at their concert. The orchestra sounded lovely during the entire event, even during "Buckaroo Holiday," which I just didn't get. "Mom, it was hard to play so say you liked it." Fine, I liked it very much.
It's been so long since I got around to reading the blogs of the 'bee' kal knitters, I was out of the loop with all the recent 'goings-on'. Congratulations on the new baby! :)
Posted by: annmarie | January 20, 2008 at 10:00 AM