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August 03, 2007



Dude, your bangs (are those all bangs?) in the Taco Bell photo are totally rockin'! Such volume!


Yeah for the anniversaries. Awesome August!

Hygiene Dad

OMG, 16 years ago...damn, did I look good.

You look great too, but look at how smooth my skin was. I was hottie, wasn't I? Shit, I should have held out for a wealthier partner. I just jumped into bed with the guy who took me. What a catch I was.

Happy aniversary, my dear friends. Thanks for making me a part of history.


Happy anniversary. How come we didn't have the girls try on those dresses??


Happy Anniversary! August is a good month. My anniversary is on Monday.


Aw. Happy anniversary.

If you guys are anything like me, the consumption of Taco Bell has had to be seriously curbed (well, eliminated) as the metabolism slows down. Ah, the good old days.

Adorable wedding party, BTW.

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