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August 02, 2007



I just started my own BSJ myself out of some stash yarn I've had around for about two years now. Originally meant to be a sweater for my little guy, now it'll be a BSJ for him. So far it's pretty much okay - I'm only around row 35 or something but still I like the whole garter stitch thing and adore the fact that I can watch DVDs of Deadwood Season 2 while knitting this and not screw it up!!!!


I know what you mean about the BSJ. I kinda like it. Kinda don't. But sure do plan to make one some day. To me, it lives or dies by yarn choice and I think yours is realllly good.

The Frances series = pure love. So nice to find a fellow reader. I will not lie and act like I didn't want to win that contest, though!


All of this talk about children's books makes me long for the days when my kids were little. Every night they would choose a stack for me to read to them. DD#1 loved her books so much she slept with a bed full of them. She still loves books, now though, they are piled on the table and floor next to her bed.

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