Ah, a nice heel turn can make anyone's day . . . maybe not anyone, but for me there is nothing better than turning the heel. It says, "The end is in sight. Keep knitting!" If you read the last post from Lola, apparently I should have asked her how her day was during our brief conversation. I guess jackhammers and icky concrete fumes can do anyone in. Here's hoping that her business trip to Pearl River is going well.
City Market in Brussels, 29 June 2007
The end is, in fact, in sight for the second sockapalooza sock. Can I just say that I love this stitch pattern? I'm not memorizing it as fast as I would like, but hey, if that is my only draw back, so be it. STR is truly a dream yarn to knit with, even if I am finding that one sock striped nicely while the other is more toothy. I already am planning the next pair of socks which brings me to my first question: how do you translate a sock pattern to toe up? I love many of the patterns that I have found like these two, but I love knitting toe up even more. Just how do I convert the pattern? Knit the chart from the top down and backwards? Ah, the questions I have.
Another question, and this might be best addressed to Cara, the Queen of the Miters, is how much yarn does one miter take for both yarns? To me, the miter is the ultimate portable project (pattern is easy to memorize, it doesn't take up much room in my purse), but lugging around a hefty ball of yarn cuts down on that portable. I could rip out a miter that I don't really like and measure each yarn OR someone could have had the foresight to have done this before and already knows the answer.
British Museum, 1 July 2007
Sorry for the short post, but someone (Veronica, that would be you) would like to practice driving. Shame I can't drink while she is driving . . . that might make it a bit easier on dear old Mom. I swear that I am a loving mother, but the prospect of driving with my daughters fills me with dread. Honestly, I don't even like driving with the Flyer . . . something about not having a brake peddle in the passenger seat.
PS - Check out the winning Simpson's Movie! I am embarrassed to say that our hometown, Lola, submitted a horrible entry. I just didn't get it at all. The 7,442 votes it got must have been sympathy votes . . . did you recognize anyone? I think I may have, but not enough to admit to it.
Answer: I have no idea! I was able to get about four miters out of one skein of Tahki, but I was using two colors. I usually stuck two yarn cakes in a ziploc and was off.
That's it. Time for a nap. ;-)
Posted by: Cara | July 12, 2007 at 01:19 PM
Re: toe up socks pattern conversion. I have only done this once (and messed up the heel so it didn't fit), but essentially, depending on the actual pattern, you would work from top to bottom instead of bottom to top of the chart. I know I saw a pomatomus sock on a blog that was worked toe up without working the chart differently because it didn't actually make difference in the outcome. If you work it top down AND backwards, you'd get a mirror image - good for some sock patterns if you want the two socks to be mirror images. Hope that makes sense.
Posted by: Shannon | July 12, 2007 at 05:14 PM
I just love your blog! Yarn, socks, travelling--what more could a girl want????
Posted by: victoria | July 12, 2007 at 10:04 PM
I remember asking Wendy (of Wendy Knits) about doing toe-up, as I'm totally the opposite - I adore cuff-down but wanted to try toe up once, just once (ahem, it just **might** have been for your sockpal socks, my dearest, which I totally chickenshit'd out on actually doing in that way when push came to shove) and she said to "flip the chart upside down" - I don't think you'd need to do it backwards, just work from the top of the chart down - but keep working from right to left. At least that's what I think.
I'm getting much less fussy about all of this sort of thing in my old age {32} - okay, in my middling age - these days I just start knitting and see if it works or not. And if it doesn't I rip and redo. After all, knitting is knitting is knitting, right?
Your Loving Sockpal
p.s. OMG. You know Cara enough to actually, like, call her Cara & ask her questions????????? Dude. She's, like, FAMOUS.
Posted by: SecretSockPal | July 13, 2007 at 09:47 AM
driving with teens, you should be able to do whatever you want to get through it. knit? you'd probably f it all up and knit too tight. i have a 17 y/o brother and he just started driving and it totally trips me out...good luck with yours.
Posted by: mamie | July 14, 2007 at 02:15 AM