Dear Sock Pal,
Well, it has been a while since I last popped off a post to you about Kandy Kane. Any number of things could have influenced this including my trip to Columbus for the Bro's graduation, a trip to London and Brussels, or the fact that I have knitting ADD. Seriously, chalk it up to the last one and we'll call it even-steven. I have found that I can't be loyal to just one project (look at the side bar . . . those projects have been sitting in knitting hell for a while now). Alas, August 2nd is looming in front of me so I kicked the needles into high gear and finished the first sock.
Personally, I am fairly pleased with the result. I have one small concern, but I am hoping that it will work out for you as your foot seems to be a bit narrower than mine (according to your measurements). All in all, this stitch pattern has been a joy to work with and I love seeing the eyelets pop on the leg. I knit the foot on my Addi 0's and this is where my concern is. They are are narrow (I truly enjoy a snug foot . . . but that is just me) and where I made the switch to the 1s, there is a snug little bit across the foot. It isn't enough to make me rip it our and start over, but I will voice that as an eensy concern. If you choose to frog the pair, be my guest and I am including all the left over bits. Honestly, what will I do with them?
I must tell you about my Friday as two rather extraordinary things happened: I became a Yankees fan (for the day) and I donated platelets for the first time. The Yankees thing wasn't any big deal; the Flyer's boss had tickets for the game he couldn't use and we took them. The bigger deal about the game was the fact that I drove into Weehawken (I despise New York City traffic . . . I said traffic, people) and then took the Yankee Clipper to the game. Had you told me before the game that the Clipper took an hour and forty-five minutes to get to Yankee Stadium, I would have bit the bullet and driven into Port Authority and taken the subway. Either way, this Mets girl enjoyed herself with several hot dogs and a Miller Genuine Draft.
Earlier on Friday, I made a quick trip to Scranton and donated platelets for the first time. Lola and the Flyer have been trying to figure out why for a while, but it really comes down to this: I have something that people need for survival and something that I can regenerate. Simple as a blood donation. There were a few complications for me (nothing major . . . I just need more calcium before hand to keep the tingling away) and I'll be back for round two in two weeks. If you think platelet donation (apherisis) is for you, the local Red Cross can help you out. Thousands of cancer patients, organ transplant recipients, and other people need platelets . . . it's worth checking it out.
Sock two is on the way, but it will have to wait until Monday or Tuesday. The weather here is supposed to be brutally hot so the Flyer and I will be seeing two movies today in air conditioned comfort and tomorrow I plan on being a mom again since Betty and Veronica return from Germany after their two week trip. Besides, knitting ADD has hit again . . . I cast on for the melon shawl but I need different needles. The Denises won't cut it for this and I don't feel like wrangling the Addis I use for magic loop to make it work. Guess that means the trellis shawl for now. I could work on Grace . . . but who the hell am I kidding!
PS - Lola, sweetie, I think you will memorize the chart for the melon shawl . . . it is easy-peasy. Can't wait to see how yours turns out in a thicker yarn and in red. I am thinking of making mine a bit narrower and using it as a scarf instead. And for the record, the Habu is divine . . . simply divine!
I like the socks, & the fact that it looks like you have a clean shaven leg.
Can't wait to see what you've done with the Habu. Did I say that I'm shocked that you've cast on? Nope. Well, I am.
And from this point on, no more mention of hot dogs & MGD. Zip.
Posted by: lola | July 08, 2007 at 08:09 PM
Nice sock! What pattern is it?
I don't know why people fear even donating blood! Good for you for going in.
Posted by: Shannon | July 09, 2007 at 08:07 AM
Oh baby oh baby OH!
I finished both of your shocking, honking, blazing bright yellow-y canary yellow lovely socks last weekend.
Mostly because I was scared shitless that I wouldn't finish them at all - ever - and then I'd have let you & every other Sockpalooza person down.....
.....and we can't have that, can we??????????
Posted by: SecretSockPal | July 09, 2007 at 11:14 AM
Your sock pal's sock is looking great---and progressing which is extra great! ;) Geez, why is knitting in the summer like knitting underwater with oven mitts on?? So slow and tedious. Clearly, Sockapalooza should be a fall event.
Posted by: knittingphilistine | July 09, 2007 at 11:28 AM