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June 09, 2007


Hygiene Dad


You know me. I was in the wedding. Don't hold these poor girls in shame for their mere innocent words they have written. For the worst part, they have taught us how to knit and purchase yarn. And that should not be punishable.

Sure, every now and then they might have slammed a family member or two, but hey...who hasn't.

These dear girls needed an outlet--as most of us do--for this creativity that it bottled up inside them.

Forgive them and embrace this blog. For it is hear to stay.


P.S. It totally wasn't my idea so don't call my mom, okay?


The secret's out! Let the games begin....


Now this is why I have always longed for a sister!

Knitting, drinks, and family fun, not necessarily in that order. Way to go. You don't know what you're missing Mom.

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