Dear Mom -
If you are reading this, then our dirty little 11-month-old secret is out: Lola and I have a blog. Ah, take a deep breath . . . we have a blog and we didn't mention it since July of last year. We've been meaning to tell you, but we didn't know how, and since then it has kind of taken on a life of its own. In a way, you were a part of it from the very beginning.
Last July, when I came home to visit, Lola and I were reading the blogs that we shared. We had come to know these knitters over their exploits on the Internet and we thought to ourselves, "This is doable." And so, sitting in your computer room, we began our blog, Two Black Sheep. It's changed blogging hosts since then, but it hasn't changed what it is at it's heart: a blog by two sisters about their knitting and their lives.
Not sure how many beers we had here, but it was Christmas and we were together . . . that translates to a lot
Occasionally, you might find yourself in a post. The Fetching wrist warmers I gave you for Christmas, Mom? Your nails look lovely in that post. Remember Beaner's pink sweater? Yup, it's in here . . . just being modeled by the uber-cute, Gus. Do we ever discuss family related topics? Sure, but it is mainly, "That was so funny watching you jump off of the porch with an umbrella pretending to be Mary Poppins," kind of thing.
Okay, so why didn't we tell you? Well, to tell you the truth, we were a little embarrassed by it. Seriously, a blog about knitting? There must be a catch, right? Nope - no catch. Just knitting, some drinks, and a little sarcasm. Truthfully, we enjoy seeing what the other one is doing and we enjoy the friendships that we have struck up with our fellow knitters.
A couple of ground rules if you choose to read. The titles of the posts usually have nothing to do with the post or with life; they are song titles, so don't get worried. If we discuss anything outside of knitting, it is our opinion and that's it. Our posts are kind of like our extended phone conversations, but everyone can read it. Lastly, no comments, either on the blog or the phone, which sound a little like this, "Oh, I had to read about it on the blog." Capice?
So, if after this weekend in a drunken blurt or teenage slip or good natured husbandly reply, it comes out about the blog, welcome! And if not, well, I'll send you this link when you do find out about it. Seriously, you still kind of scare us a little . . . we know where you keep the wooden spoons!
You know me. I was in the wedding. Don't hold these poor girls in shame for their mere innocent words they have written. For the worst part, they have taught us how to knit and purchase yarn. And that should not be punishable.
Sure, every now and then they might have slammed a family member or two, but hey...who hasn't.
These dear girls needed an outlet--as most of us do--for this creativity that it bottled up inside them.
Forgive them and embrace this blog. For it is hear to stay.
P.S. It totally wasn't my idea so don't call my mom, okay?
Posted by: Hygiene Dad | June 09, 2007 at 10:00 AM
The secret's out! Let the games begin....
Posted by: Cara | June 09, 2007 at 01:52 PM
Now this is why I have always longed for a sister!
Knitting, drinks, and family fun, not necessarily in that order. Way to go. You don't know what you're missing Mom.
Posted by: Lisa | June 09, 2007 at 02:38 PM