I've never been so excited to see Dr. Phil flash those judgmental eyes at me! Because if he's flashing, it means I'm not in the car. Oh thank you Doc! You are so right, you can't teach a drowned possum how to swim.
In this shittiest of shitty weeks, I managed to find a couple nuggets of Glee. I picked up another coffee mug that looks like a paper cup. For some unexplained reason, I love these cups. I not sure how I'd add to the collection. Maybe if they released a 80's McDonald's coffee cup. Fat chance, huh?
I started ripped strips for Gus' big boy quilt. I've decided that I'm just going to hodge-podge it up & rip different widths, cut random blocks & sew them all together. After doing a little bit of research (anyone recommend a good How-to Quilt Book?), quilting demands an understanding of color. I don't really feel like trying to understand one more thing, so I'm sticking with these colors: Reds, Greens, Black & White. I should be OK. Right? Maybe toss in some orange? Who am I kidding, it's going to look like a rainbow puked all over his bed. Another bright note of the week, I got the Tattoo fabric very early this morning.
Here's a goal for the weekend, Finish the Ribby sleeves! If I write it down, it has to happen. That's what Oprah says.
Have a fabulous weekend. I demand a lovely post about school letting out or the mischievous adventure of B & V.
p.s. Anyone else cry when Jim walked in on Pam's interview?
I have one of those, although the Christmas version. My girl Stacey sent it to me (she's on the inside).
They've gotta make more of those cups- but of course, I'm drawing a blank as to what other kinds there would be.
Posted by: Cathi | May 18, 2007 at 12:45 PM
Ummm . . . yeah, I didn't want to admit it last night, but I have a Dunkin' Donuts travel mug that looks like their latte cups. And yes, I got very misty eyed when Jim asked Pam out. Yeah! Love!
Posted by: Ava | May 18, 2007 at 03:44 PM
Hiya. You may already have it, but I like The Modern Quilt Workshop (Ringle & Kerr) b/c it's beautimous and good about debunking some of the golden rules of quilting (like ironing the seams to one side); a yellow book called Quilting 101: A Beginner's Guide to Quilting because mama needs pictures, big ass pictures; and, of course, Denyse Schmidt Quilts which you probably like, too. And have you seen Heather Bailey's binding tutorial? -- http://heatherbailey.typepad.com/photos/continuous_quiltbinding/index.
I'm only on my first quilt, but these books are invaluable so far.
I hope your weekend makes up for the suckyness of the week. :)
Posted by: sappmama | May 18, 2007 at 06:18 PM