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May 18, 2007



I have one of those, although the Christmas version. My girl Stacey sent it to me (she's on the inside).

They've gotta make more of those cups- but of course, I'm drawing a blank as to what other kinds there would be.


Ummm . . . yeah, I didn't want to admit it last night, but I have a Dunkin' Donuts travel mug that looks like their latte cups. And yes, I got very misty eyed when Jim asked Pam out. Yeah! Love!


Hiya. You may already have it, but I like The Modern Quilt Workshop (Ringle & Kerr) b/c it's beautimous and good about debunking some of the golden rules of quilting (like ironing the seams to one side); a yellow book called Quilting 101: A Beginner's Guide to Quilting because mama needs pictures, big ass pictures; and, of course, Denyse Schmidt Quilts which you probably like, too. And have you seen Heather Bailey's binding tutorial? -- http://heatherbailey.typepad.com/photos/continuous_quiltbinding/index.

I'm only on my first quilt, but these books are invaluable so far.

I hope your weekend makes up for the suckyness of the week. :)

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