Dear Sock Pal -
I know you won't be reading this for a few months now, but I would like you to see how your sock came to being. First of all, I love knitting socks even if I do often mistype the word "socks" . . . one of those pesky little letters always comes first for some darn reason. That, chaussette pal, can get a girl into trouble. Back to the task at hand: your socks' creation.
You said in the little Q&A we all filled out for Allison that you enjoyed purples and greens. What is a girl to do? I could have done one sock in green and one in purple, but that would be so 6th grade. Luckily, the fabu ladies at Blue Moon have Undertoe in its shades of greens and purples. Truthfully, I had hoped for more deep purples (not often I want that) but the colorway is more of a green and lavender. When I emailed you, you said you didn't shy away from lace and cables and variegated but not all at the same time. Socke Kamerad, I went a bit askew here.
A while back, Lola submitted her top four patterns with new and improved names to go with them. Personally, I don't think that the folks at Vogue Knitting have enough of an imagination; otherwise, we would have fabulous knits every quarter rather than the stuff that's put out. The same goes with the names for the patterns. Honestly, "eyelet herringbone" is so demure, so let's-go-play-parcheesi. I want a pattern you might call when your parents are gone for the weekend and you know you won't get caught having a party. Hence, "eyelet herringbone" is getting a make-over and will hence forth be known as "Kandy Kane, or How I Put Myself Through College." Kind of reminds you of poles, don't you think, amigacho del calcetín?
Thanks for the speedy replies on my emails, by the way. I think that we will be fine . . . or at least, that's what my sister is telling me. I am finding that this pattern, while one that I must pay attention to (no quickies with a Johnny Knoxville movie, no way), is really a nice little lady. Who knew Kandy could be so sweet? My daughters both like the way that the colors are working with this and the Flyer just nods appreciatively when I ask him to take a gander. By the way, how is the hubbo's sweater coming along? I never mustered anything for the boy beyond a hat.
So, calzino pal, I leave you with one last picture. Your sock is nestled next to my lovely new hand bag (no comments about the color, oh sock-pal-who-has-me. Refer to the title of the post - wink, wink, nudge, nudge) which was too stinkin' cute to say no to as well as a new box of cards from the lovely Cara. I shall be using one very quickly as the Brother is graduating from OSU very shortly and I don't feel like scanning the aisles for an appropriate sentiment, which I don't think I will find. Instead, he gets a knitting card. Perhaps it will spurn some interest for him.
Farewell, sock pal (that one was in Portuguese . . . apparently it's the same), until I make more progress. I think I can find some little ones for your collection here whilst in London.
PS - I would bring your sock to the Brother's graduation, but he is the speaker, and we know what a fondess he has for women like Kandy. Cheers!
Looking good! Hope your brother likes the card and congrats to the grad!
Posted by: Cara | May 30, 2007 at 02:37 PM
Great looking sock!
Posted by: Carrie | May 30, 2007 at 10:34 PM
Kandy Kane? Heh. That sock is really looking good, I'm a total sucker for purple-and-green yarn.
Posted by: kelp! | May 31, 2007 at 01:29 AM
Beautiful sock - your sock pal will love it!
Posted by: Jeanne | May 31, 2007 at 07:46 AM
Thats really interesting. Mr. Clinton spoke at my college's graduation this last weekend. I assume your brother is graduating this next weekend?
Posted by: sharah | May 31, 2007 at 11:28 AM
fantastic sock :)
Posted by: Eva | June 01, 2007 at 11:23 AM
fantastic sock :)
Posted by: Eva | June 01, 2007 at 11:23 AM
Oh. You. Did. Not.
'lo but the mighty have fallen!!!!!
That's not even a little yellow - that's like insanely canary yellow!
That's not a slip - that's a straight down & bust your ass kind of fall, that there bag is. Yup. 'Tis.
Posted by: secretsockpal924 | June 04, 2007 at 12:19 PM