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March 26, 2007



What a great post- it's hard to believe that you're a "new" blogger (judging by the archives, right?) I have yet to hit up the Manhattan yarn stores, but may have to visit now! What was the #1 highlight of your trip?


If you could only visit ONE yarn shop in NY, which would it be? I am going to try and visit in October and I won't have a lot of yarn shopping time, that's why I ask.


So glad you got to yarn shop!!! Was I right or was I right? I can't stay in Purl more than five seconds - but it's very pretty.

I'm sorry I missed you girls - in either of the two places I'm mostly like to be found - but hopefully soon!


Wow, you guys had quite the yarn crawl! The only NYC shop I've been to is Habu - it's definitely an experience. I've fondled camel yarn before, and it is SOFT, yum!

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