I'll sprinkle some sunny pictures into the next couple posts. I've never been a fan of Florida weather. We always seemed to visit when the humidity & heat were high. Complete opposite this time! We were able to stay at the beach for over an hour, & probably could have stayed longer. But let's face it, sand is annoying. Gus loved the beach! He didn't understand that you shouldn't throw sand and birds don't like to be touched. He also loved the pool. For the first 2 days, we dealt with a huge amount of clutching and screaming whenever anyone mentioned, "pool". On the final day, we had ourselves a water baby. He would skip the "1. 2." and just scream, "3" and fall onto Grandma.
I got some knitting done by the pool. I turned the heel on my G-Rocks, so now I've got to decide if I was to add some detail to the leg. I may add a stitch and do a 6x3 rib. Any ideas?
As for big project knitting, I've hit a road block. I really want to start something before I visit you. I know that it's a week away, but that seems like a year in Knitting Life. To make Half Dollar, I've got to find some Tatamy Tweed DK. I'm too lazy to swatch another yarn and start another search. I know we talked about the Katherine Hepburn cardigan, but I almost put that one off. Almost! Then Cara comes along, starts posting her progress, and talks about it being popular on the blogs. Why would she do that? She doesn't know it, but I'm a follower.
I had an appointment cancel today, so after the clothes are piled up and the trash is taken out, I'll hit the road in search of yarn. Get moving on that sock! I want to see some STR when I get to your house. Now that I'm home, I'm giddy about heading to Ava-land. Giddy dammit!
Can I just tell you that I'm all verklempt over here? I've never seen G-Rocks knit except in my own very hands and to know that your knitting yarn that was inspired by the love of my life, well, I'm just all waterworks over here. THANK YOU! I mean it. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Oh and sorry about the KH Cardigan. Is it not popular on the blogs? I gues I saw it a few places and that's how I found out about. Is anyone else knitting it though? Or are you all just waiting for me to fall on my face with it. ;-)
Posted by: Cara | March 08, 2007 at 10:54 AM